Its b&w not xray! No bones show! Not even close! And then you click the shutter button and it takes the picture in color. So dumb!!!!
Its b&w not xray! No bones show! Not even close! And then you click the shutter button and it takes the picture in color. So dumb!!!!
Good job who every mad it is really smart
The app isnt even xray its just b&w. I dont recommend getting this!!!
Just black and white picture!! How can it trick ur friends???
It dont work just saying but it does seem more realistic that the other ones so what. Do you really think that they can really see your bones I mean come on people! I think it is pretty good! <3
This is a joke dont buy no wonder its does not even show the X-ray .......
X-ray is not in free version. Maybe in the pay version. But it still takes pictures not in X-ray vision.
It says it works but noooooooo it doesnt btw dont look at the picture and be a dumbo and say o this is gonna work look at the pic always look at the reviews
I didnt like it cause it was only a black and white picture and if I wanted that I could search black and white camera I thought it could show my bones cause of the picture so yeah I really didnt like it
They only make you see it and download it and realize that you have to buy it.They only want you to buy it
Guys u r incredibly stupid u need film in order for it to process
Yaw come on it only works on apple iPod 4
This is the kind if app that says, "Dont buy us, were fakes!"
Dont download this app its joke!!!!ㅗ
I have a broken hand aint this aint no xray thing! frauds!!!
All above is correct, its a load of crap
This thing fake guys dont waste your time on this like I did
not a X-ray camera just black and white! Dont waste your time
This app is CRAP it is just stupid black and white and it is blurry DONT BUY IT IT IS A WASTE